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Molina Healthcare Providers, Get Started with Availity Essentials Today

Availity Essentials (Essentials) is the secure provider portal for Molina Healthcare*. This website is for Molina Healthcare providers to learn about how to get started with Essentials and begin utilizing the latest time-saving tools. Here are some of the features that are available in Essentials for Molina Healthcare providers:

  • Eligibility & Benefits
  • Patient Search
  • Attachments
  • Appeals
  • Claim Status
  • Quick Claims
  • Claims Correction
  • Payer Space
  • Overpayments

*Non-Healthcare (Atypical) providers will maintain access to Molina’s legacy provider portal at this time. However, we urge you to move your business to Essentials now to avoid financial and administrative interruption to your business.

Get Started with Availity Essentials

If your organization is not yet registered for Essentials, you will need to designate an Administrator for your organization who will be responsible for registration, user set up, and managing user access. This person should have legal authority to sign agreements for your organization. 

If you are the designated Administrator for your organization, click the Register with Availity button. By submitting the registration, you agree to be an Administrator for your organization. Once you have registered your organization and are set up with your own account, you can add additional users to your organization. From Essentials, click Help & Training | Find Help. Click Administrator in the left-side menu and select the Adding Users help topic. You can also check out the Availity Essentials Onboarding Training resource to sign up for a 30-minute live training webinar and we’ll walk you through the Essentials registration process.

If you are NOT the designated Administrator for your organization, do not register your organization for Essentials. Your designated Administrator will determine who needs access to Essentials on behalf of your organization and will add user accounts in Essentials.

If you are not sure who will be the designated Administrator for your organization, share this information with your manager to help determine who will be the designated Administrator for your organization.

For registration issues, call Availity Client Services at 1-800-AVAILITY (282-4548). Assistance is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. ET – 8 p.m. ET

Training Resources for Non-Healthcare (Atypical) Providers

Non-healthcare (Atypical) providers will continue to have access to Molina’s legacy provider portal at this time, but are still encouraged to get started with Essentials. Non-healthcare (Atypical) providers often need additional guidance with registration and completing the required next steps for using Essentials. If you are one of these providers, please refer to the following resources:

In partnership with Molina Healthcare, Availity would like to welcome the following health plans to Availity Essentials:

  • Molina Healthcare – Affinity by Molina Healthcare (NY)
  • Molina Healthcare Arizona
  • Molina Healthcare California
  • Molina Healthcare Florida
  • Molina Healthcare Iowa
  • Molina Healthcare Idaho
  • Molina Healthcare Illinois
  • Molina Healthcare Michigan
  • Molina Healthcare Mississippi
  • Molina Healthcare Nebraska
  • Molina Healthcare Nevada
  • Molina Healthcare New Mexico
  • Molina Healthcare New York
  • Molina Healthcare Ohio
  • Molina Healthcare South Carolina
  • Molina Healthcare Texas
  • Molina Healthcare Utah
  • Molina Healthcare Washington
  • Molina Healthcare Wisconsin
  • Molina Healthcare Virginia
  • Passport by Molina Healthcare
  • Senior Whole Health Massachusetts
  • Senior Whole Health New York

Helpful Resources and FAQs

Questions? We have answers!

Q: What is Availity Essentials?

A: Availity Essentials (Essentials), formerly known as the Availity Portal, is a multi-payer site where each user has their own ID and password to work with Molina and other participating payers. Healthcare professionals have free access to real-time information and instant responses in a consistent format regardless of the payer. Availity is compliant with all HIPAA regulations, and there is no cost for providers to register or use any of the online tools. 

Q: What features does Availity offer?

A: Molina Healthcare providers can use Essentials for submitting attachments, checking eligibility and benefits, submitting claims, checking claim status, and much more. You also have access to a Molina Healthcare Payer Space, which offers Molina applications and updates as well as the ability to download important documents and forms.

Q: Who is Molina Healthcare of Florida?

A: Molina Healthcare of Florida is a contracted health insurance plan with the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (Agency) to provide health care services to people with Medicaid. This is called the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care (SMMC) Program. You are contracted with Molina to render services to Medicaid, specifically Molina Healthcare of Florida’s Specialty Plan Members.

Q: Can I access other payers via Essentials?

A: Yes, you can work with many other payers via Essentials. View a searchable list of payers.

Q: How can I find what I need on Availity?

A: After you register with Availity, log in to the Portal, click Help & Training | Find Help, and search for Crosswalk from Molina Healthcare to Availity. This crosswalk will be updated to reflect the availability of new Availity tools for Molina providers.

Q: Who do I contact if I need additional help registering or have questions about my organization’s Availity account?

A: Call Availity Client Services at 1-800-282-4548. Assistance is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time (excluding holidays).

If you’re already registered with Availity and working with another payer, you’re all set. You can use your existing log-in credentials to get started with all the tools and features available for Molina.

Molina Healthcare’s Payer Space

Payer Spaces on Availity Essentials makes it easy for you to navigate to proprietary payer applications, resources, and information. The Payer Spaces drop-down menu gives you the option to select Molina Healthcare in addition to other payers with whom your organization is associated with on Essentials.

We Can Help! Get Free, Live and On-Demand Training from Availity

Join a 30-minute live Availity training webinar to learn how to set up and use Availity Essentials for all payers.

Registering and Getting Started with Availity

Not registered with Availity? Not sure who Availity is or what we offer? In these introductory sessions, we’ll tell you about Availity’s tools and features to better manage your patients’ healthcare online. For help getting started, we’ll also give you some quick tips on how to register for your free Availity account. Training is multi-payer and occurs monthly. All webinars are recorded for you to access at your convenience.