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The Future of Health Information is Bright

Availity’s foundation—and reputation—is built on decades of innovation in revenue cycle management and administrative and financial workflow improvements between health plans and providers. All in the interest of the ultimate consumer—the patient.

Our clinical data capabilities, on the other hand, are nascent, which is why I am excited to announce plan to acquire Diameter Health, a leader in clinical data quality and interoperability.

Diameter Health’s core technology is a clinical data normalization engine—a refinery—that synthesizes raw, multi-format data from disparate sources into contextual intelligence that can be applied to multiple tasks and workflows.

What does this mean for our health plan and provider customers? Diameter Health’s CEO and Co-Founder, Eric Rosow, put it best: “For the past 8 years, we have committed ourselves to building fast, scalable, reliable technology to transform raw clinical data into a clean, fit-for-use asset. Combining Diameter’s API technology and Upcycling engine with Availity’s Clinical Gateway capabilities will enable health plans, providers, and technology partners to drive powerful positive changes in our nation’s health system.”

The integration and contextualization of administrative, claims, and clinical data on our platform will enable our customers to:

  • Streamline clinical data acquisition through a broad network of providers, vendors, and partners
  • Transform disparate, multi-format clinical data into clean, clear, and precise assets aligned with industry-standard terminologies and clinical informatics best practices
  • Summarize data into longitudinal patient records for HEDIS, risk adjustment, and a host of digitally enabled use cases
  • Deliver data fit for multiple purposes and workflows, enabling bidirectional information exchange that support care-gap closure, quality measurement, risk adjustment, automated prior authorizations, and care management

In other words, Diameter Health is our clinical data strategy.

But technology is only one part of this deal. I am equally delighted to welcome the Diameter Health team into the Availity organization. This smart, innovative group of professionals has pioneered advancement in clinical data optimization and standardization. Having several opportunities to get to know this group, I can say with confidence that our two teams share common values and a vision for the future of health information. We can’t wait to bring them onboard!

A final note about this acquisition and what it means for our organization and the customers we serve: I’ve spent a lot of time this year evangelizing Availity’s North Star—the strategy that keeps us focused on eliminating the costly inefficiencies that plague our healthcare system.

I think our industry tends to focus on discreet solutions to bespoke problems at the expense of root causes. We will modify a process here or digitize a workflow there, while all around us, year after year, the system continues to burn through hundreds of billions of dollars to sustain inefficiencies that abrade, rather than delight.

Our North Star is a focal point, but also a humbling reminder that we are asking our customers—and their patients— to change the way they interact with each other. In that context, the success of this acquisition rests on our ability to deliver a meaningful experience to our customers—regardless of workflow, process, or channel—so that they can curate successful healthcare journeys for the individuals and communities they serve. It’s a daunting task, but I believe our collaborative spirit and desire to do big things in healthcare will carry us through.

This announcement was a long time coming—and we have a lot of work ahead of us. I want to thank the team at Diameter Health, especially Eric, President and COO Mary Lantin, and the rest of the leadership team for their partnership and willingness to embark on this incredible journey together. I can’t wait to share what’s next.